
Stay Involved.

It’s nice to share your art with the community. And, it’s fun. I had a great time selecting vertical slices of some images to donate to the local Rolling Art program. The art, 10”x26”, is used by a community children’s hospital for the patient rooms. The art is “rolled” around and the children get to select a piece to be displayed in their room.


You Never Know

I stopped by Vilano Beach on my way to St. Augustine. What a scene - wind, crashing waves, and a huge flock of Black Skimmers. This image was shot as the skimmers lifted from the beach to make one of their swooping passes along the shore. It pays to check out a location even if it wasn’t a planned shoot. 


Get The Shot

Wherever, whenever, however, get the shot. Don’t give up on it just because you don’t have the best equipment for the capture. I came upon this unexpected photo opportunity with only my Canon Rebel T2i. No tripod and not even a railing or post to help brace the camera. But I gave it a go anyway and took this shot hand-held at ISO 3200, f4.5 1/8. The resulting image was a bit soft but after editing it in Topaz and Photoshop for color pop and to define the edges, I am very happy with the results.


Clear Sky, Sun High, Get Out and Shoot.

A blue sky, sunny day, can be a wonderful time to shoot. Capture the experience of enjoying such a beautiful day. Sunrise and sunset are not the only times when the world puts a smile on our faces.


More on the Art of Photography

Our latest project is two triptychs produced from photos of dramatic skies. The original photos were sized, painted in Corel, and divided into the triptych panels. Each panel was printed on canvas at 20”x72”.