
Something About Trees

I am drawn to the free form structure of trees. It can be a challange to bound them into a composition. Here is where you want to move around the subject, zoom in, zoom out, until suddenly what you see in the view finder you like - really like. This massive collection of tree branches was above and away from the trail. I checked various locations to shoot from and then zoomed in to 90mm for this shot.



Observe animals carefully and you will learn how to anticipate their interaction. I got this shot by sensing that the moorhen was about to challenge the turtle for this sunning spot. I was ready when the action took place.


500mm f4 lens, 1.4 extender, Canon 50D

Yes, this, on tripod, is a heavy set-up to lug around. But, if you have it get out there with it and you will be rewarded. I carried mine on a two mile loop through Hanna Park recently and the workout paid off. This shot of a young Red-shouldered Hawk is a favorite from that shoot. The hawk had just ruffled its feathers and paused long enough for me to get this image in very nice light.


Branches and Buds

Here is another way to simplify and isolate a subject. Use a long lens set at a wide aperture. This allows your subject to stand out against a soft background. In this case the shallow depth of field still defines the branches but so softly that the image is not confusing. Instead, it is interesting and has a certain abstract quality.


Look for Simple, Isolated Subjects

Sometimes a simple subject can be interesting. No clutter, no confusion about what is important in the shot. A rainy day and a wet leaf on a granite bench might be all you need for an attention getting image.